Imagine being so deeply moved by a painting that it alters the course of your life. As I’ve studied a particular portrayal of the Prodigal Son, I’ve been struck by various aspects—the radiant light on the father’s face, the son’s shorn head, and his tattered sandals. However, what truly captivated me is the overwhelming sense of grace and belonging that the younger son must have felt in that defining moment. In his deepest shame and brokenness, he discovered the most profound grace and belonging.

The Universal Longing for Grace and Belonging:

We’ve all experienced moments where we longed for or encountered what Henri Nouwen describes as a “homecoming.” It’s that moment when we feel an undeserved embrace, a sense of profound grace and belonging. This longing is inherent in all of us.

The Context of Jesus’ Ministry:

The parable of the Prodigal Son is set against the backdrop of Jesus’ ministry. He drew people from diverse backgrounds—both “sinners” and “Pharisees.” “Sinners” found hope and grace in His teachings, while the “Pharisees” questioned His association with those they considered unworthy. This tension forms the basis for the profound parables in Luke 15, illustrating God’s heart for the lost and the transformative power of grace.

Discovering Grace and Belonging:

In this passage, we witness the essence of Jesus’ teaching method—parables. These stories, metaphors, and vivid illustrations made complex spiritual truths accessible to all. Through this method, Jesus reveals a story that resonates with our lives—a story of grace and belonging through the gospel of Jesus.

We All Need Grace and Belonging:

No matter our background or experiences, we all yearn for grace and belonging. The question is, where do we seek it? Often, we attempt to find it in temporary pleasures, power, envy, greed, or rigid religious rituals. We mistakenly believe that these pursuits will provide lasting satisfaction.

Why Our Pursuits Fall Short:

Despite our best efforts, these pursuits often leave us unfulfilled. Pleasure loses its thrill, power’s influence fades, envy breeds discontent, and greed’s treasures tarnish over time. Even religious rituals, when devoid of true understanding, can become hollow traditions. These pursuits fail because they are intrinsically limited by their fleeting nature.

The Way He Accomplished It:

The good news is that Jesus, through His death, burial, and resurrection, has made it possible for us to find ultimate satisfaction and belonging in Him. His words in John 14:1-3 assure us of a place prepared for us, an eternal homecoming.

How We Can Achieve It Through Him:

Through Jesus, we can shed the burdens of striving to earn God’s favor. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30). He enables us to cast off the weight of worldly pursuits—pleasure, power, envy, and greed—and discover joy and contentment in Him alone.

A Taste of His Goodness:

In Jesus, we learn to echo the psalmist’s words, “I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8). We find satisfaction in what He provides, realizing that He is the source of true grace and belonging.


The Prodigal Son’s story is not just a parable; it’s a reflection of our lives. It reminds us that grace and belonging are not found in the pursuit of fleeting pleasures or rigid religiosity. They are discovered in the arms of a loving Father who eagerly embraces us in our brokenness. As we follow in the footsteps of Jesus, who associated with “sinners” and showed them grace, let us also extend grace and belonging to those we encounter. In doing so, we fulfill the universal longing for grace and belonging that resides within us all.

Closing Prayer:

Lord, we confess that we often seek grace and belonging in the wrong places. Help us, like the Prodigal Son, to return to You and experience the profound grace and belonging that You offer. May we extend that same grace and belonging to others, reflecting the love of Christ. In His name, we pray. Amen.