Since the Fall no organization or way of life whatever has a natural tendency to go right…. The family, like the nation, can be offered to God, can be converted and redeemed, and will then become the channel of particular blessings and graces. But, like everything else that is human, it needs redemption. Unredeemed, it will produce only particular temptations, corruptions, and miseries. Charity begins at home: so does uncharity. C.S Lewis

We all have dreams – perhaps of a perfect vacation, a beautiful home, or a sleek car. But how often do we dream of our family life? The reality is, families hold immense power to bring both joy and pain. I vividly recall the parenting crisis my spouse and I faced about eleven or twelve years into our journey. We were scared, unsure, but deeply aware that we were laying the groundwork for our family’s future.

In our search for guidance, we often turn to countless sources – from Amazon’s plethora of books to an abundance of podcasts. Yet, amidst this sea of advice, we find ourselves drawn to an unexpected source: the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, particularly in Matthew 7. Here, we discover the stable foundation He offers for our family dreams.

Jesus paints a picture of two individuals – one wise, the other foolish – differing only in their response to His teachings. He urges us to build our dream families on His words, the only foundation that endures.

So, what does Jesus say? In Matthew 7, He speaks of those who hear His words and act upon them. These words aren’t mere teachings; they embody the very essence of life and truth. Jesus didn’t just speak them – He lived them, demonstrating their power and wisdom.

Building on the foundation of Jesus doesn’t shield us from life’s storms. Troubles will come, but our foundation sustains us through them. Materialism, career success, pleasure – these are fleeting. Only the words of Jesus offer enduring stability.

As you reflect on the Sermon on the Mount this week, identify one area for your family to focus on. Seek God’s grace and strength to rebuild your family around the way of Jesus. Remember, none of us can fulfill these teachings perfectly. But in our weakness, we find our Savior’s strength.

So, let’s trust Christ for our foundation above all else. Let’s build our dream families on the words of Jesus, for they alone endure. And may His peace and blessings surround you as you stay steady on this journey.